Que? What is a Dashiki?
Dashiki is a Yoruba word that means shirt. The dashiki is a colorful garment widely worn in West Africa and made popular in America during the 1960s. They are extremely comfortable, loose-fitting pullover garments, with a V-shaped collar, and two pockets.
The Dashikis are Unisex and 100% cotton - Free Size (one size fits most)
They are available in a variety of fantastic colors. Pick one or take them all.
Dashikis are one of my favorite things to wear. I love them soooooo much, I'm sharing them with YOU! Once you wear a Dashiki, YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.
The Dashikis are Unisex and 100% cotton - Free Size (one size fits most)
They are available in a variety of fantastic colors. Pick one or take them all.
Dashikis are one of my favorite things to wear. I love them soooooo much, I'm sharing them with YOU! Once you wear a Dashiki, YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.